About the Course
The psychiatric symptoms of Lewy body dementia (LBD) are among the most bothersome for families and the most difficult to manage for health care providers. Recurrent visual, auditory, and other sensory hallucinations occur in up to 80% of people with LBD and may be accompanied by delusions, which are often paranoid in nature. Changes to mood such as apathy, anxiety, agitation and depressive symptoms are also common LBD symptoms. Unfortunately, a severe sensitivity to antipsychotics is also a common symptom of DLB, complicating medical management efforts.
This course provides an overview of the psychiatric symptoms of Lewy body dementia and how they are managed. Each of the four lessons in Unpacking Psychiatric Symptoms address a psychiatric symptom category and provides examples of how they manifest in LBD as well as coping and management strategies.
Lesson 1
Focus on Psychosis
In this lesson, Dr. Susan Maixner explains some of the various hallucinations and delusions commonly experienced in LBD. She offers suggestions to help cope with these symptoms and address related safety concerns. Dr. Maixner provides an overview of the safety concerns with medical management and provides suggestions of how to advocate for safe medications in managing psychosis.

Lesson 2
Unmasking Lewy Body Dementia: Understanding Mood and Personality Shifts
In this lesson, Dr. Pallavi Joshi will define the various presentations of mood disturbances in LBD and offer non-medical and medical interventions to support coping with these symptoms.

Lesson 3
Understanding the Unrest: Agitation and Aggression in Lewy Body Dementia
Join neuropsychologist Dr. Kate Wyman as she provides an overview of these symptoms and how they can impact daily life. Dr. Wyman then offers suggestions for strategies to de-escalate these situations, remain safe and obtain support.

Lesson 4
Unpacking Psychiatric Symptoms in Lewy Body Dementia: LIVE Q and A session
Join LBDA as we celebrate Lewy body dementia (LBD) awareness month with a special live question and answer session where we unpack the complexities of the psychiatric symptoms of LBD with Dr. Chiadi Onyike from Johns Hopkins University.